Data Health Warning
After two years of corresponding with NHS.uk and the CQC, the information published by the organisations has improved.
However, from 2018 the GPPS is no longer collecting information about doctors and nurses separately, but is lumping all 'healthcare professionals' together, so you will no longer be able to see the score of the doctors in the surgeries. Oddly the NHS website who was already displaying this still refers to "confidence and trust in the GP" instead of "the healthcare professional" (2018).
The CQC has made vast improvement s in the way they use and display data on practices, see our 2017 video on You tube for the details of ongoing problems with the information the CQC publishes on practices.
Comparing practices based on the responses of patients on the national survey is also fraught with difficulties, an article confirms that we should be looking at the underlying scores, as 'good' only means good in 42% of cases, whilst 'very good' means good in 85%. We made this point to the GPPS some years ago, and the response indicated Ipsos Mori was publishing the information under instruction of the Department of Health, not necessarily on scientific grounds.