111 Canterbury Road
ME10 4JA
01795 - 423300


Canterbury Road Surgery

This information compares surgery gross funding since 2003. In 2004 a new contract was agreed by the British Medical Association. This involved the removal of the staff budget, the transfer of the 14% employer pension contributions from the health authority to the practice and the introduction of the extra work for the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and the transfer of the night and weekend work to the health authority (the practices pays 6% of the Global Sum for the transfer of the responsibility for emergency out of hours work).

The extra QOF work brought in extra gross funding. How much funding compared to before 2004  is in the blue boxes.

The gross income is probably not very informative, it depends on how many patients the surgery has. What you'd want to know is how much tax money is spent per patient. These figures are in the blue boxes at the bottom. This may also be somewhat meaningless, because you'd want to know how our cost compares to other practices. For this information see the links on the right to the comparative pages.

In 2015 it became a requirement for doctors to publish their NHS income. For the astute, this has always been done as the 14% transferred pension below can be multiplied by 100/14 to give the pensionable income, only these figures seem incorrect. The accounting rules are unclear, but taking this guide it seems the declared pre-tax income should be £
65,089.77per doctor (n=1) for 2015-2016. The discrepancy is caused by the NHS pension rules that count all income, without taking account of expenses, like for instance malpractice (£12,500 in 2017) or sickness insurance, fees for GMC, CQC, PRS, bills etc.

Most practices will publish a lower figure, as they count in part-time and stand-in doctors. The figures do not tell you how many hours a week the doctor is working, or how many weeks a year. Furthermore, different accountants come up with different figures for the same practice.

The rules are set up to 'show' that practices with more full time doctors and fewer locums (mostly small and single-handed doctors) earn more than doctors in larger practices. In the 2014-2015 financial year Dr Beerstecher took two days 'holiday' to sit exams and worked around 70 hours per week. In 2016 Dr Beerstecher had one week holiday, and none until two days in September 2018.

Publication scheme

Financial information

Finances compared to other practices

Prescribing information compared to other practices

Premises costs compared to other practices